After spending so much money on your wedding (average 2010 wedding cost was $24,066 –
Listed below are some statistics to seriously think about when considering the success of your wedding:
- 72% of all brides say they would have spent more time choosing their reception entertainment.
- Almost 100% say they would have spent more of their budget on the entertainment.
- During wedding planning, Brides say their highest priority is their attire, followed by the reception site, and caterer – reception entertainment is among the least of their priorities.
- However, within one week after their reception, 78% of Brides say they would have made the entertainment their highest priority!
- When asked, 81% of guests say the thing they remember most about a wedding is the entertainment.
- Although wedding entertainment only accounts for approximately 5-10% of a typical wedding budget, it is what guests remember most about your event.